Monday, August 17, 2009

I think I blacked out...

or something like that. Yesterday, after getting up and cleaning and doing 900 loads of laundry, going to the pool, playing a little wii, going to world market, etc etc something happened.

Ben left to go fishing and I was going to go rent a movie. SO off I set to blockbuster when low and behold--I ended up at the pedicure place! How did that happen? it's like my car had a mind of it's own (we should check into this--maybe it goes for joy rides by itself too. I'm well aware that it steals sunglasses.) I mean, and what am I to do? SO, I got a pedicure AND THE LADY ACTUALLY REMEMBERED ME! I figure this is due to my celebrity status. Well, that or the fact that I make them cut my nails shorter than they would like. She also rubbed my legs longer than normal--sheer bliss.

Other convo's that apparently happen when you near 30.
Random Person: SO, are you married.
AB: Yes.
RP: How long?
AB: 4.5 years
RP: Do you have kids?
AB: No. smile awkwardly.... remove eye contact (no, not my actual contact, but more stop making eye contact... whatevs.)
RP: SO when are you going to have them?
AB: umm... I don't know?
RP: Well, you should be ok because I didn't have my first one until 38. You still have a few years.

Um, so some random nail lady told me I still have some good years left. Uh, thanks? I'll let my ovaries that though they are drying up... they may still have a few good years.

Thanks random people of the world. Thanks. I mean, at least my nails look nice so I have that going for me.

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