Thursday, June 5, 2008

whirling... ok, spinning because I'm not a dervish.

So, I'm slowly spinning out of control... again. What the hell was I thinking taking 2 jobs? What was I thinking taking a job at a church? What was I thinking telling my current employer I'd work for him until August?
Ps. I wasn't thinking.
I'm not sure I can do all of these things. I tried to tell current employer this and that I needed to not continue to work for him. He guilted me into staying. I went to both of my "new" jobs this week for meetings and to get a tour.... I feel like my heart may explode with anxiety. And to top it all off... my computer died. Like dead. Ben says we can salvage it, but I don't want to. I want a new one that will make my life complete and organized and make my jobs easy. I'm pretty sure you can add that to the basic package. I think I've seen it before. SO, now i'm not only accepting donations for cancer research, but for a new laptop to actually do work on and not just check my email.
Seriously, all of this is making me feel like I may explode at any moment. And, to top it all off, I got used to my hair color and now my bangs are out of control. What is this world coming to? I'm relatively sure that the expensive conditioner I purchased will also solve this problem. perhaps I can also pour it on my laptop and it will work miracles.

In happier news, we're adopting a dog on Friday!! We went to meet her last night at a dog park (giz in tow) and A. He didn't try to eat her or ANY OTHER DOG THERE and B. she's freakin adorable. And, she's a girl so I can purchase pink things! It's the small things in life that get me excited I suppose... well, clearly the small things because these large looming things are making me less than excited.

I have anotehr job interview for a separate job on Tuesday. I know, I'm a jerkface if I take it. I haven't been offered it, but it sounds Ah-mazing and it's way closer to my house than either of the other jobs and I wouldn't work on weekends and basically... I'm praying that it will be like the miracle of all miracles in my life and all of a sudden everything will fall into place and I'll be able to figure out the rubik's cube in 5 minutes. I better use the good conditioner that morning (as it is also the first morning of my church staff meetings. suck. I hat ethose things.)

So please send one up to JC for me, or to whomever you pray and I'll pull out my copy of "Footprints." I just need some direction, some focus, and perhaps someone yelling in my ear which direction to turn.

Ps. it stinks like microwavable frozen dinner in the office today. nast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you can do it. i know it's all crazy for you right now, but you can do it. :)