Friday, February 27, 2009

a trade off

SO, yesterday I went to have my teeth cleaned (in which I admit, has been longer than it should have been,) but here is my thought. I will gladly trade teeth cleanings for a double dose of "yearly exam." Yep, I'm saying it... scrape my cervix, but not my gums. Ouch. The lady I saw was great, and it isn't her fault. It just is painful. And no, I don't floss the way I'm supposed to... who does that? When you go below the surface that's painful. I'm for the superficial flossing that I've come to know and love. Maybe I'll make some changes? It appears that my teeth are healthy other than that--added to resume--good oral hygiene.

Other dr. fronts... I went to the dermatologist on Monday--(well, I saw the PA) and she gave me (I say gave me, but I purchased) new face wash and lotion and she gave me some sample prescriptions to try out (before I have the whole thing filled.) Well, it turns out that I'm allergic to one of them (can't say which) because in what I initially thought was dry skin turned into a full blown rash--on my face... Great for the itchy mess that was red and bumpy. Awesome. I call in and they tell me to go buy a dove beauty bar (just plain, no added oils/moisturizers etc) and wash with that for a few days. Um, are you telling me that for $2.99 I can get face wash that's just as good as what I've been using for years? What I had hoped happened was that they would tell me a LINE of products to use--face wash, exfoliant, lotion, cream, etc, but alas. no. I go back in a month. Lets hope that it's a more beneficial experience with a lot less itchiness.

As it is the last weekend in February do you know what this means? I get to stay at my OWN house next weekend! I don't have to pack up my life (and my animals) and drive anywhere. YAY for March. Well, until the following weekend when it's Ben's gma's 90th bday and we again head to Dallas, oh, and the week after that when I go to NOLA for a conference. OMG... does this ever end?

I'm looking forward to March and re-joining the workout world. I kind of gave up on February as I had something like everyday (and part of those days included lack of motivation.) March it is--I'll start on Monday with track practice and go from there. Maybe I should weigh myself for some extra motivation? In our 40 days of frugalness I cannot afford to purchase new bigger clothes. Fingers crossed all the stars align and frugality will lead to weight loss.

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