Sunday, December 5, 2010

4 months... a little late.

I don't think he could be any cuter. Then again, I have a slight bias. Whatever. He also watched WNTW with me this morning. AND he slept for 2 hours so I could clean the house. He also did well in the car when we absolutely did NOT drop B off at the airport at 6 this morning.

I mean really? Cuteness??
And, I'm trying to ween him from the swaddle. He is revolting. So I put him in a sleep sack and just swaddled his arms... this is a slow process. Someone LOVES him some swaddle. Advice on that?

And this puppy dog loves him some Griffin


Perfectly Imperfect said...

no. you're right. he's pretty much the cutest little baby boy on the planet. and i'm not biased! ;)

we broke bg of the swaddle slowly. she started busting out on her own, so we left her bottom swaddled and left one arm out. did that for a while, then left both arms out. after that for a while, we moved to the sleep sack and she's done great ever since. good luck!

Courtneytcu98 said...

I say give up trying to break him and try again later.

And yeah, he's pretty much the second cutest boy child ever. :)

Jill said...

We swaddled A for 5 1/2 months. The reason we stopped - she rolled over from her back to her tummy fully swaddled in her crib. Thank goodness it was during nap and we had a video monitor. We stopped cold turkey. She cried for about 20 min that night and finally fell asleep. I say if he likes it and isn't rolling over - keep it :)