Friday, March 29, 2013

2 weeks.

I've been writing your one week post in my head, but you'll be 2 weeks old tomorrow, and lets be honest... you don't do a whole lot more now than you did when you were 1 week old.  Except sleep less.

You have rocked our world... in a mostly, usually, awesome way.  Occasionally there is the missing of sleep, what have we done, 2 year old turning 3 year old out bursts that make me wonder.

You make crazy hilarious grunting noises... that sound just like our dog.  You also make a great number of faces.  serious face, are you kidding me face, i'm judging you face.  You smile when you're falling asleep.  it's such a great thing to see.  I like you happy.  I can't wait to invoke that smile.  It's better now, but you did HATE having your diaper changed.  Hated.  Hated hated.  G likes to help and have you sit beside him.  If you cry at all he is first to tell me to feed you or give you his lambie, "maybe dat would make him feel better?"  It usually does.  You want to eat every 2 seconds.  Literally.  Ok, maybe ever 1.5-2 hours which I'm going to say... is the same thing as 2 seconds.

I call you tiny.  because you are so so tiny.  I think you have a dimple in your cheek.  You are getting less and less "dark complected" by the day.  The dimple in your chin is perfect.  I love that your hairline looks like it's receding.. or as NeeNee said... it looks like your wig has fallen back.  sorry dude.

we love you.  we adore you.  we're so happy that your ours.

7 lbs 15.7 oz--25% weight
20 in.--25% length
36 cm--50% head.

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