Sunday, August 22, 2010

up since 5

and I'm tiredstown.

Recap of yesterday--overall good. Underall--I locked my keys in the car when the moms and I went to get pedicures. Yah, awesome. How long can I hold onto "pregnancy brain?" I'm thinking there is a time limit on that one? Maybe not though... because I plan on using "I grew you a child. I gave birth." for forever. Maybe they go together? As long as you can use one you can use the other? Not sure. Thank goodness for road side assistance on the phone, though. Life saver.

I call ATT to ask how to get ahold of RSA and the lady put me on hold for literally 5 minutes while she "researched" that. Her words. Um, ok... how much research does that take? This was after I went through all of the press this button, press button shenanigans. Can't I just talk to a real person? Answer--no. I finally talk to a guy at RSA (also on hold for about 8 minutes to get in touch with them) and I explain to him the sitch. He takes EVERY DETAIL OF INFORMATION EVER. I try to play pity points by telling him I have a 4 week old with me. He calls the lock company (while I'm on hold) then comes back while he's talking to them and is all... "wait, is the baby in the car? Because if so, you should call the police." Thanks. No. Apparently the key guy had to mention this to him before he got the point. All in all... totally obnoxious.

I did get hip shrinx. I'm hoping it works. Please. I also spent a bazillion dollars buying other nursing gear. Hey, it's not a want--it's a need. Luckily, since I hate my squishy body currently I haven't bought clothes in quite some time. Bonus?

The parents are in town and sweet little Griffin has been sleeping in their room until I need to feed him and then I go get him. Last night I decided to be nice and keep him in our room starting at 5 so they could get real rest. backfire. I fed him. I gave him to ben to change, rock back to sleep, swaddle, put to bed. Fail. Fail fail fail. I am up the whole time because I hear every noise. At that point it's pointless for me to go back to bed because it's about time for him to eat again. I lay in misery planning my sweet husbands demise (he's super helpful in real life--I forget this at 5 am when I'm in my murderous state.) Now it's almost 10 am and he's still asleep--the husband. Not the baby. Yay.

Apparently my murderous state lasts far past 5 am. Who knew?


Margaret said...

oh man...this stage will be over before you know it! i promise!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT! Now, is the hip shrinx working??? i'd like to shrinx my hips please...and my thighs...and my tummy...will things ever be normal again?

love you!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

It gets so much better!! I promise! Although I'm still tired, and still want to kill my husband 98% of the time. Yes, I said it!! And I'm still more flaky than normal. I now blame it on the sleep deprivation!

Keep at it Mama. This exhausting will pass soon enough..

CDS said...

I hear there is this thing called mommy brain which comes post prego brain...I'm sorry about being up since 5am. If it makes you feel any better...I am not getting good sleep anymore...

Now tell me about this hip thing you bought!!

Loosy said...

Um. You did NOT buy the hip thingy. Tell me you didn't. Can you please remember you had a baby like, what a month ago? Geez. You're stressing me out, you have 9 months to get your body back (9 months in, 9 months out), at least that's what ''they'' say. Let's be real, you have one year to be back to pre-Griffin state. Remember, you're breastfeeding, eat up!

Also, you're doing a fantastic job. Seriously. Hang in there. I swear once I got past the three month mark all of a sudden the world was good again.


A.B. said...

Technically, I didn't purchase it... my mom did :) I'm no where near my pre-preggo state, but I thought I'd inch these birthin' hips along if possible. Not sure, but we'll see! I'm definitely eating! I just had 3 cookies. YUM.

I want to get to 3 months, but I'm also sad he's growing up so fast! Already in 0-3 month clothing!

Loosy said...

um. more pictures of griff and family please.

what are you doing? taking care of a newborn? geesh.