Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dear Clinton, please come be my bff.

So Clinton Kelly will SIGN his newest book for you. Ok, if you are where he is he'll sign it.. OR, if you purchase it, send him the reciept, he will sign a sticker that you can then place in the front cover of your book. Freakin' Fabulous. I want it. I also desire him to be my bff. I'm not entirely sure how I should stalk him in an appropriate manner so that he sees he needs me. He probably needs me to be on his show or to do something else wonderful. Now how to begin this friendship that is our destiny... hmmm...suggestions?

Which moves me to my other fantasy friendship. So, I think my nurse practitioner is pretty amazing. Granted, I first was intrigued by her when we moved here and I had zero friends and she was young (but older than me) and obvi intelligent. And, dont' get me wrong, I like going to the doctor at signs of death--and because I hated my job and desperately hoped they'd find some sort of not serious serious illness so I wouldn't have to go to the hopeless void that was the spa. Anyway, well, she called me 2x last week with my lab results--I feel our friendship even more. So, I googled her name, found her email address, and emailed her to send me my results because I have no clue what anything she said meant--nor did I write it down. So, yesterday 2 very short emails later--I'm sure we'll be dating and seeing movies soon. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a bit. Maybe one of the emials simply stated that I'm indeed not low on vitamin d. It doesn't matter. I used my best sarcastic hilarious wit and replied. Now I sit awaiting a long winded email infused with how cool I am.

Oh, back to life, back to reality--back to the here and now. SO, tonight I plan on cleaning, doing laundry, and putting up my Christmas tree while my hubs works late--every night this week! Lame. I also need to run. SO, I'm attempting to not lose all of my endurance from training, but I haven't been running so much in the last few weeks. I'm back on schedule starting this week though. I'm training for a 1/2 in January. My goal is to get faster. This training schedule is basically going to kick my arse though. Yikes. If only the holidays were filled with downtime and not hectic craze. Lucky for me... I only have 3 gifts left to purchase... oh, well that and the fact that holiday cards are hit or miss for me. We'll see what happens there. If you dont' get one, know I at least thought about it.


Cate said...

Who is Clinton Kelly?

A.B. said...

He's from What not to wear!