Friday, June 19, 2009

bla bla blech

Ever get in one of those moods where EVERYTHING is annoying you? I'm there. Now. I really feel like a good massage and a nap would fix everything, but I don't seem to have time for a nap or flow for a massage.

Irritation #1--I don't know what to wear tomorrow night. This is compounded by the fact that I hate packing. Therefore, I have to sit here and think about what my options are and what is appropriate. Personally, I feel I should take the morning off and fix this problem by going shopping. (which, could in turn, further annoy me because I won't be able to find what I'm looking for because I'm not sure what I'm looking for.)

2. Maggie woke me up 30 minutes before my alarm went off because she needed to go outside. YAY good dog! Then she proceeded sit outside of our window and wine and randomly jump up and press her paws against said window--annoying and loud. Then, the husband was snoring. Then, I laid there and thought about how I hated my life at that point in time. (not really, but I'm being dramatic.)

3. I hate cleaning the house. (This is also not true--I get great satisfaction when it's done. I also hate to leave the house to go out of town without our house being cleaned, sheets changed, laundry done etc.) I've cleaned--dusted, laundered, mopped, swept etc etc 2x this week. I despise dog hair.

4. I hate sitting in a car. Yes, the drive from here to Dallas is short--I don't like it. I also do not enjoy 35 on a Friday afternoon and creates in me a need to get a light saber to quickly disintegrate urge people out of my way.

5. I need to find time to run 9 miles this weekend. I considered doing it this AM, but didn't get up. I NEED to get up and do it tomorrow morning, but will be hanging out with friends tonight. I require much sleep.

6. I went to leave this morning and there was a jeep parked in the middle of the drive way. bug.

7. What I really need is a red tent right now and to lose 10 lbs.

1 comment:

Cate said...

I'm with you on the light saber. Full on disintegration. I also would accept a really large hand coming down from the sky and finger flipping their car off the road, preferably with a solid roll midair.