Monday, June 8, 2009

120, no maybe I lost some, maybe 115?

So I went to the doctor today and they took some of my blood. I do not like this event--at all. I've gotten much better. I no longer have to lie down when they do it. Big steps people Big steps!

Anywho, I should have gone with my instincts when the first "woman" (term used loosely here because I SWEAR she was only 16) said, "I'm a student. Is it ok?" I should have said... um no, indeed it is not. SO, she stuck me and a. It hurt. B. She got NOTHING.
Instead I told her, "Is it ok that I'm a wimp?" She thought I was being funny. I wasn't.

So, this other girl came in because first "lady" said, "When I mess up, I always have to call on Crystal." (ACK! How often do you mess up? I mean, she is a student and has to learn somehow, so I really do forgive her and understand... less so when it is my arm.) So here comes Crystal (who apologized for "being all up on me") and got enough in one vile but the arm refused to participate for the other one so they went BACK to the original arm.

Have I mentioned how I do not enjoy this?

I also liked that instead of weighing me they just asked. Apparently the weight I gave them was realistic. Next time I'm going to say 120 (which is a blatant lie) and just see what happens. I mean, do they go with it? Write "delusional" on your file? Say, never mind lets weigh you?

Test. This is only a test.


Elizabeth said...

At one of my last prenatal appointments, the nurse forgot to weigh me before I got settled in the exam room. So I asked if she wanted to weigh me, and she said, "No, I'll just add a pound to last week's weight." Nice, eh?

Maxie said...

My dr always lets me make up my weight. It's awesome.