Wednesday, February 6, 2013


So before my freezer reverts to a milk emporium (I mean, fingers crossed) I want to actually do some make ahead meals this time.

Soooooooo what are your favorites?  How do you freeze them?  Please send your recipes my way.  Consider it your gift to me.


Elizabeth said...

My hubs makes up a big batch of cookie dough, rolls it into cookie-size balls, then freezes it all. Then, when we want some cookies, we just throw a couple of those babies in the oven and voila! fresh-baked cookies with zero effort. I'm thinking you should def do this with your current freezer space, and if you use this lactation cookie recipe from epicurious: then you score on both counts. [My mom made me these after CJ was born and I found them to be delish. And perhaps also effective.]

CDS said...

You should make some lasagna! :) xo

Leanne said...

Before Wesley was born I did a bunch of casseroles (lasagna, rice/chicken, etc) in aluminum pans and stew and chili in gallon ziplock bags frozen flat. I did things we like - normal stuff that I knew I would want after my life was turned upside down. Good luck, friend!