G wants a "big bike" for his bday. So we have looked at the balance bikes. He isn't really interested. I think he likes to pedal. Sooooooo has anyone had a tri and then switched to a balance bike? or how do your training wheel bikes work?
Give me some deets.
With Cart, we missed the boat on the whole balance bike craze. Just went straight from trike to big boy bike with training wheels. With E, we've done balance bike...he's fast on that, but we just got him a "big boy bike" with trainers and he's petrified b/c his feet don't touch the ground and he's used to using them to navigate. Soooo....long story, short, not sure what the answer to your dilemma is. I like the balance bikes b/c they don't require you to push the kid around, help him off, etc, etc. i.e.: Easier on Mom. :) Good luck!!
I have friends who have kids that ride a bike with no trainers before age three (due to being on a balance bike before). Hayden ash a bike with trainers and c is completely uninterested in a balance bike-mostly because they don't come in Hello Kitty theme. I'm at a loss. But I'm sure c will win.
fletcher has a bike with trainers. he's done well on it since he's had one (2 year). he can maneuver it for the most part, just doesn't have the breaking concept down pat. he's able to do everything himself, so i don't have to assist him, other than when he turns too fast and falls and the bike is on top of him. then i obviously help him, only after laughing and taking a picture.
thanks, y'all!!
Owen had a regular bike with training wheels and was never a big fan of riding until we took them off last month and now he is a maniac. Totally obsessed. We bought Wyatt a balance bike and he can ride that thing with his feet off the ground forever. He's a speed demon and I don't think he will have any problems transitioning to a big boy bike without training wheels.
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