Thursday, July 30, 2009

oh the humor...

SO there is a person with whom I interact professionally... and everytime I am engaged with said person they mention that they need to pee. Yesterday, I asked if the person would like a drink before they went to meet some other people (diet coke, ddp, etc) and they said, "Well, I better go remove what I drank earlier before I add anything new."

This is odd to me.

Now I must go drive for 6 hours today--literally--this is not me exaggerating. I have a meeting in Houston which is 3 hours away. I'm thinking the meeting will last approximately 2 hours and then drive 3 hours back. If you know me, you know that I hate being in the car. A lot. However, if I am going to be in the car I like to sleep. I'm not sure this works if it's for work and you're riding with someone else?

I'll let you know.

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