Thursday, July 9, 2009


SO, I have been battling my seasonal allergies (read, Austin is trying to kill me by giving me headaches, drainage, and general nastiness.) I went to the doc last week and she gave me a prescription for Clarinex-D. Super. Usually I complain about things with suphedrine in them because they have a tendency to make my heart race. I mentioned this to her at some point and she told me, "Get over it." I appreciate a little tough love and accepted this. I was fine--except that I was having major headaches and not sleeping and weird appetite issues. Anywhos, so I decided to discontinue use of said drug. I called on Monday? Tuesday? and left a message with the medical assistant--I don't know if I have to come back in or not, but the medicine I was taking has given me mentioned reactions. I'd like to have something else called in please. Ok, so she calls me back yesterday and says they are calling me in a zpack? Um. I have no infection. I'm not going to take RIDICULOUS antibiotics for seasonal allergies. So I say to this girl, "So... you want me to take a zpack for seasonal allergies." Her, "Mmm hmm.. Yes." Me: "That will cure me forever from allergies?" Her: "Yes, that's what we've called in."

Needless to say I did not pick up this craziness.

In other z's categories. I almost smothered my husband last night due to snoring. I would have totally regretted it later, but I would have slept better for a little while. I don't' want to turn into that couple who sleep in different beds, nor do I want to have to wear ear plugs (though I'm considering it), but how does one fix this? Seriously. I need help. I'm sure a king sized bed would help (because of the distance clearly), but I feel that the problem may even still linger then.

Anyone else struggle with this?


EMAAC said...

Sounds like you should consider nasal surgery. My husband had that recently (I had it years ago for different reasons) and it did wonders for his allergies, the snoring (which completely stopped) and his headaches. Have you ever seen an ENT?

SpeasHill said...

John and I have been known to sleep in different beds. I love him, but I also love sleep. And I love him more when I get sleep. It's not ideal, but we stay friends that way. Right now I'm on some sleep medication that helps me not notice (I have sleep issues anyway). But really, when your baby is sleeping and your husband is keeping you up, it's hard to resist that urge to smother. Thus far, I have not attacked him (though I have been known to kick him awake), and so I consider my life a success.

Cate said...

has Ben tried those nasal strips, the ones that open your nasal passages? Bill uses them, more for congestion than for snoring, but his occasional snoring has stopped since he started putting one of those strips on every night. They make them in clear, too, so he doesn't look super funny :)