Friday, July 31, 2009

Bye Bye Bye...

SO, if you know me, you know that I'm slightly obsessed with hair. I am known to get my brows threaded. I love a good wax. I hear permanent hair removal.

Today, on a whim I decided instead of getting my brows done--I'd do my whole face. Pardon my breaking into unruly speech, but it hurt like a mo' fo'. I cried out with tears of agony. That isn't exactly true. I did have some tears I was able to with hold. However, it is uncertain if I was crying for pain or for the very wretched breath that was being blown in my face. Or when for 5 seconds the woman's boob rested upon my forehead. awkward.

My face still feels like it is on fire. I want to punch someone in the neck.

Recently my face has decided to revolt against the norms of being 29. You guessed it. I'm again breaking out like I am 14 and in serious need of some proactiv. Oh Jessica, or Alyssa Milano, could you please send me your miracle cure?

I'm visiting the dermatologist in a week or so. I will forget to mention the pain I put myself through today.


Mrs.Preppy said...

Never tried the threading...would like to try, but never done it. They have little stands set up in the mall, but that grosses me out. I got waxed down there a couple days before having the baby... thought I was going to go into labor. It was awful.

Unknown said...

Ever had the inside of your nose "de-haired"? I swear its not as bad as it's my new trick....

Cate said...

What do you mean you did your whole face? You have no other hair on your face!

Sherry said...

Um, what's having your face threaded? I don't even know what this is. If I don't know what it is, I'm wondering if this means I desperately done myself.