Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Breaking news--

I guest blogged.

It's breaking news.


Sarah K said...

Holy smokes!!! Congrats and you look amazing! Are you going to find out if it's a bambino/bambina??? The world of 2 is something pretty special. :)

A.B. said...

Absolutely! A little anxious about 2 as yesterday my 2 year old had me considering spanking as an option...only slightly kidding.

We are excited! Who knew that #2 would be such a quick belly maker.

A.B. said...

Absolutely! A little anxious about 2 as yesterday my 2 year old had me considering spanking as an option...only slightly kidding.

We are excited! Who knew that #2 would be such a quick belly maker.

Jill said...

Congrats!! I've had a hunch for a while now that #2 is on the way. Two is the best. You can totally handle it and G will be a great big bro. Hope you're feeling well!!! And what a great time of the year to be pregnant - except for it being summer early on in your pregnancy, you won't have to deal with the heat when you're major preggers!

Jill said...

And about G from above - desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures. And if it makes you feel better, your patience will be next to nothing the further along you get. That's just the way it goes (at least for me and almost every other non first time pregnant mamas I know).

Shaina said...

YAY! The cat is out of the bag - finally! AND - you look fab, I have no idea what you are talking about. I on the other hand walk luck a duck with a limp. I can not wait to see what your blog will be like now that the interwebs know!

Adine Z said...

Ahhhhhh, luv it and luv u!!! So happy for you and Ben and g$$$!!! We have obviously not chatted lately....need a girls chat ASAP!!

Perry H. said...

Congrats!!! Well on your way to 2.5 kids and the American Dream! Oh, and feel free to round up to three for great two vs one fights...:O)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also, congrats!!!!!!!!!!

Heidi Bruch said...

Best.News. Ever. Yeah! Two is better than one. Nothing better than seeing your two together. Congrats! Now back to blogging!

A.B. said...

Back to regularly (erratic) posts now that it's out. You're welcome.

2.5. I hope this child does not grow part of a sibling off of an ear or anything.

Jill, how did you know???