Tuesday, September 10, 2013

shit I bought tuesday

Does that have a nice ring to it? Trying to be a better blogger (I won't be.) Where do you cool cats find the time? Maybe you stay up past 10:30 and don't have drinks at night? I dunno. I dunno what your thing is. Mine is going to bed early and having drinks. SO I wanna blog. I do. I have cute (and sassy) children. Well, one is sassy (work appropriate term) and one is the sweetest happiest baby ever... who has tubes. And is getting a helmet on Thursday (tube-u-lear/helmet head.) So I can tell you what I online shop for? I bought an awesome cross body bag on etsy. I lurve it. Except that I don't go anywhere that doesn't require a breast pump (aka work) so I don't really use it that much. HOwever, if you want to pimp your ride check out this girl. Super fast. And she hand makes them. Skills I do not have. I can make you a bev. Do they sell those on etsy?

1 comment:

jill said...

i would love a FEW drinks made by you, because i like to drink. and i've heard that they make some really fun stickers ou can put on those helmets. my friend's daughter's helmet was adorable...and pink.