Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm a swinger.

How inappropriate can I be in relation to my child? Answer. Very, apparently?

I was just trying to come up with a clever title and it's all I've got other than my typical idea of, "I have the cutest kid ever." There are only so many times you can use that as a title, though... right?


CDS said...

He can swing our way whenever he wants! EAT HIM UP CUTENESS! xoxo

jill said...

i get a kick out of your titles. it's hard to come up with something original and catchy without being boring and overused...and he is a very cute kid.

Perfectly Imperfect said...

BG's a swinger too. And loves it. Too bad they can't swing together..

You think our kids will be embarrassed by us one day?!?