Monday, July 15, 2013

4 months.

Meyer is four months old today.  When?  How did that happen?  tonight I put him to bed unswaddled, y'all... he's asleep.  I tried this last week and it was an ultimate fail.

He is the SWEETEST little happy baby.  Seriously.  Happy.  Sleeps.  Mostly that last part secures him as a contender for favorite.  He smiles lots.  He doesn't get enough baths.  He's gone swimming for the first time.  He has chunks legs.  Beautiful eyes.  Laughs a loud laugh.  Is super duper tickleish.  Loves his brother.  Loves his mama.  Can grab toys.  Chooses to not roll over.  ALMOST rolled over from back to front.  Likes to talk when he's tired.  Sleeps.  did I mention that one?  He is wearing 3-6 month clothes.  Weighs in at 14.2 lbs.  Is the 25th % for height and weight and 50th for his big ol' noggin.  Stop growing already.  Stay my tiny forever.  Because that's what your brudder calls you.  Tiny.

We love you, HMB.

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