Thursday, May 27, 2010

31 weeks

Only 9 weeks (ish) to go! That's crazy talk. This week Griffin is the size of 4 navel oranges. Seriously? You couldn't think of a fruit that is singular? 4 navel oranges? Weird. He apparently weighs about 3-3.5 lbs which is odd considering I've gained... 17.

(Dear Weight Watchers, you will be seeing my face in approximately 15 weeks. You may not recognize me as I now come with zero chins. This meaning that my chin now flows directly into my neck. It will be back to the old days when I remove my jewelry and shoes to weigh in... because they are what make me fat.)

Speaking of navels--mine is shallow. Probably because it has 4 navel oranges pushing it out. Went to the doc today and everything looks normal. My blood pressure is awesome. I can't help but smile when I hear his heartbeat. Like, seriously, it's kinda mushy. I also have a slight desire to be taken to my room lay down on the bed/table and have them forget about me for a few hours and I just nap. Weird? Maybe. I also keep hoping for a surprise ultrasound. No luck. They said a long time ago when I asked if I got another one, "They usually find some medical reason for me to have another one around 36 weeks." This hasn't been mentioned since then... I think I'm going to ask at my next appt which is at 34 weeks.

Tomorrow also begins my countdown to birth. I mean, yes, technically I've been counting down since November, but NOW I'm scheduling my final hair appointments. Tomorrow is the beginning of the last few. Hey people, I need to look good for showers and good for after baby pictures. Well, as good as I can look in after baby pictures. I will be investing in some waterproof mascara. Remember mascara ='s glamour.

We also bought a new tiny digital camera this week. We are saving up for the Big Mama camera for a little while because apparently having a baby costs approximately 800 million dollars. As we only make a tiny fraction of ONE million dollars... TEENY TINY FRACTION that means we have to wait on this item. We are going to get the new canon digital slr. I already have canon lenses from my regular slr so that made the choice easier. Maybs the moms, aka Glammy, will let me borrow her camera for a little while.

And how will we celebrate 31 weeks? With our LOVELY Memorial day weekend. I imagine pool time, cleaning time, laundry time, friends wedding time, nap time, getting rid of shit time, lovin' on the dogs time, and generally enjoying my second weekend in a row at home.


SpeasHill said...

So you're having a $1,000,000 baby, too? I advise against it. :) Good call on the new camera, albeit tiny (better for trips to the park, etc anyway). This kid's gonna be cute. Like, way cute. Even without mascara. I have a feeling.

CDS said...

4 naval oranges eh? Mine is an avocado this week. I'm sure I'll be at 4 navel oranges before I know what to do about it. Anyhow...enjoy your time this weekend and as usual keep us posted! xoxo ps- the jewels ALWAYS make you heavy...that's why I took mine off at WW weigh-ins!