Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lent... not the kind in Ben's belly button.

First of all, I cannot believe that it is Ash Wednesday in ONE WEEK. In preparation for Easter I try to engage in a lenten activity--be that giving something up or taking on a practice. This year, as I realize I'm an actual grown up only 8 months away from turning 30... I've come up with a plan that is a good practice for me to uphold all year around, but also a good trial run. I have not sorted out all of the details and I am open to suggestions. Granted, I'm sure I'll get some flack about how this is self centered--but I disagree--I think it will create a more simplistic and intentional way of living that allows for me to be more conscious of my day to day habits and routines and how to alter these to glorify creation. Anywho... I've given up soft drinks (soda's for you N. Easterners out there), chocolate, candy and worst of all... CHEESE. This was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I mean, running a marathon was hard, but giving up cheese... right up there.

A downfall of mine is eating out--I know, I often express my love and desire for not just eating, but the whole dining experience--well, it's expensive. Yes, I've realized this before now. However, I've also used my trusty google document templates to come up with a budget spreadsheet (LOVE IT). We spend TOO much going out to eat and too much mindlessly (a froyo here a tall soy chai there). Beginning of the plan... we will go out to eat/go out once a week. I think we can stick to the going out to eat thing (this includes lunches--though I will grant Ben one lunch out a week because his whole work group goes). If we go out on a weekend with friends I will limit us to 2 drinks out a piece. I believe... I will add... though it hurts me, a cap on other "for fun expenses" as well--aka, no new shirts even though they are on sale (better go get my toes done on Tuesday next week.) With all of this money we are saving? We will save some of it! (novel idea) and donate some to a charity/church.

(I don't actually mean that I will "grant" been access to eating out. It's up to him if he chooses to participate. It just sounded good at the time.)

My hope is that this will make me think before I go to starbucks--even just once a week, froyo (maybe 2x a week), and ben eating lunch out a lot. It should also help in our mindful meal preparation--and being conscious of what we put in our mouths. This is better for us as a couple, better for the environment and waste, and for our intentional time together. It's ok to get specific. We need to truly look at what we can save and what we can give away. I truly believe that this will make me a more faithful being, if only in my finances and in my consideration of the sustenance of the earth. So here's to a 40 day renewal. Wish me luck, patience, and a blind eye to all things designer. Oh... and here's to forgiveness--essential to Easter (and this sinful being.)

(What happens when I have a happy hour for my running group, though? how do I work in work stuff? Oh the choices.)

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