Thursday, April 2, 2009

7 is holy

SO, I have 7 followers. This is a holy number--7 days of creation, harvest the crop every 7 years, 7 levels of hell... wait, a minute. 7 years of bad luck. This is turning down hill pretty quickly.

SO I'm having one of those weeks. You know the kind. The kind where you just don't feel like working? Ok, I think this is possibly every week for me, but lets just pretend that this is an anomaly. Anyway, I'm distracted, apparently need a new roof, just ordered some new running shoes (which means I now must begin running regularly), and I need some new sandals for Easter Sunday. I mean, if JC is coming back, we better be looking up to par... and this means new shoes :) No, this does not count as frivolous spending because it's a NEED and not just a want. But isn't it clever when needs and wants coincide so nicely?

So as I sit here stressing about how I have all of these needs and need more $ for them--new roof, new shoes, new shoes, new dresses, new spring attire, eating out, drinking wine, getting my hair done, getting other various things that make me beautiful--I wonder, how can I address all of these needs? I mean, I need them. How could I ever cut something out? Is it wrong that I could care less about the roof? I mean, it will probably hold up until we move out. Right? This color (that I got done on saturday) will only last 6 more weeks! If you ask me my priorities are definitely in line.

I also need new books. I want to go to 1/2 priced books for lunch and find them. I think they should give them to me for free. I'll see how this goes over. I mean, I'm carrying a big purse today, maybe I'll take what is rightfully mine? I'm creating my own socialist world. (No, I won't do this in real life. I have guilt like an ex-catholic.)

So to the 7 of you... can you each give (not loan) me 5 mill? That'd be great and really help me get the life to which I hope to become accustomed.

You have 7 minutes...


Unknown said...

sorry, i missed the 7-minute time limit. guess i can't give you that 5 mil...

Meach said...

Get thee to a library. They give them out for free - for a few weeks at least. Music and Movies too.

Maxie said...

Check out book mooch! I've gotten so so so many good books from that site.

Cate said...

not sure I've got that kind of change on me, but if I did, your trip to Italy would definitely be gratis, and there would be a few more of us coming along!