Sunday, April 26, 2009

It has been brought to my attention

... by looking in the mirror, that I am apparently 13 and not 29. Why oh why is my face breaking out? I mean, I'm getting ready to blame it on my love affair with Edward Cullen. I'm sure that some of you out there (I have a vast assortment of readers, clearly) think I should apologize to BAB for this blatant discussion. HOwever, B does not feel it necessary to read about my shinanagins publicly, when he lives with them day to day. Like yesterday, when he told me the world "lunal" does not exist. Or when I asked if onions grew on trees like apples. (they don't, appar.) Or when I asked if I got an upgrade on my engagement ring someday (as likely as onions on trees.) Or when I asked if we could name our daughter Bonita Black. (no. we are not with child. fyi).

So--give me some enlightenment. How do I remedy this situation? (not my stupidity, but the face situation.) I need insight. I need direction.

1 comment:

Cate said...

You probably need sleep and to be in the same place for a while. Our bodies interpret travel as stress (not travel to Italy, clearly, but other less divine forms of travel), and even small things like washing with different water consistently can cause breakouts (different mineral concentrations in the water, etc).

I bet a good detoxifying mask would help. Or maybe there is a facial in your future, pre-Italy? One of my supervisors always told us to start acting like it was vacation before actually going on one - that way, you've got a jump start on the relaxation once you're there :)