Sunday, September 5, 2010

Inappropriate? Or perfect timing?** update

So the following was after a day of insanity. Please note that it was my one night of losing it. This in no way reveals my character :) I love my baby and that he has a new sleep habit of sleeping from like 8-1! (well, 2 days in a row, that is.) So, don't feel too bad for me. Though if you feel bad enough to send me presents--feel free.

So I'm like sup's tired today. Le bebe decided basically to not nap today. (Perhaps because of my influx of dairy the day before, but whatever I blame him.) This lead to one tiz-ired mama. So we get home, I feed him and put him to bed... at 8:30. I stayed awake waiting on a phone call that I knew was coming and then was like, at this point, I need to not fall asleep because he'll wake up.

WTF it's now 12:15. Can I drop the f bomb with a baby? I mean, I wouldn't say it TO him. Ok, maybe I would... but only right now while he's really small and formidable and kind of like a puppy where if you say it in a nice tone of voice they don't really know what you're saying.

Just sayin. I'm tired and awake with a computer... which leads to lustful internet shopping. That's the kind where you go and look at all of the things you want and put them in your "bag" and then don't purchase them.

Someone save me. I meant that not in a literal way... so if you are well on your way to converting me, you may want to stop now. Don't show up at my door with a tract and tell me about the Jesus. I will tell you how when every head was bowed and every eye was closed at my grandparents baptist VBS I got coerced into raising my hand (with one eye open) to be saved. Apparently, we Methodists got a bad wrap and some friends were worried about me. So I'm full up over here. Thanks. If you are bringing me a little salvation in some carbs and a bottle of vino... bring one of my minster friends and we'll bless it and have a holy time.


Perfectly Imperfect said...

Oh girl... you "sound" tired!

If I was close I would totally bring over a bottle (or 3) of wine and we'd drink til you were sleepy..

Hope you get some rest soon!

CDS said... I going to feel this tired? LOve!!!!

A.B. said...

No way Ceci.

It was a moment of desperation. I'm back in the good. Temporary insanity :)