My friend Nikki requested more videos. So here is one of Fin talking. He's kind of adorable.
Then I tried to get a SUPER adorable one of me kissing him and him smiling everytime. However, I am not skilled in the self videography. Blogger just told me that isn't a word. Whatever blogger. Whatever. I mean, maybe if I were an aspiring film star, or a trashy high school kid I would have more skilz. Alas, I'm simply a 30 year old (for one more month!) who doesn't even have a video camera on her phone. What tha what? Yah. Lame.
He's so cute! I think he's the perfect combination of you both.
He is soooooooooooooooo precious and I think I heard "Glammy, love you" in those coos.
He is beyond adorable!!
My heart just melted. Puddles.
I'm with you, Court. Puddles.
That's the only thing that could've redeemed this craptastic day. Thanks, Fin.
P.S. I heard, "I really miss Deana." Just sayin'.
ohmygosh those new baby noises. my uterus just cried out for another one!
he really is so, so gorgeous. you guys did good.
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