Monday, September 21, 2009

Option 1.

So we did it. We purchased option one. Luckily, my husband is an nerd engineer because said option is not created to be a media stand so there aren't any holes in it for the wires to go through. He also was smart enough to measure to make sure our electronic equipment would fit on the selves--they didn't, ps. Fortunate that we figured this out PRIOR to the hole cutting. Well, not that it mattered because we kept it anyway. We've come up with a sneaky way to make everything fit. I really like it. I think it's going to be fabulous once we also get the shelves to go beside it. I will post pictures when this task is complete. I'm thinking in the next week or 2 we will start looking like grown ups. Thrilling. We also bought a new lamp for the living room. As I'm becoming an old lady I need more light to read and the lamp we had in there basically did nothing but collect dust (mostly because I never dusted it.) I tried to dust it once and it didn't work so then I quit trying. Roller brushing is basically a miracle for all things dusty and covered in dog hair. I believe this will be the next course of action. That and getting someone else to clean my house because I am lazy.

In other events, I had a meeting this morning and it was catered and we had cookies. I hate 1.5 cookies and then ran home to give gizmo his eye drops and decided I should have a chocolate covered banana--because I forgot that I had already eaten 1.5 cookies. Dang.

Apparently memory loss and self control are not my spiritual gifts...

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