Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The smell of wine and cheap perfume.

So last night I went to the Journey concert with some friends--much fun. Who knew that a tiny asian man could impersonate Steve Perry so well. Where did they find that guy? Does he have an accent in real life (I didn't ever hear him talk)? When he started singing was he like, someday I hope to sing like Steve and then make all white people love me?

Because here are some things I learned from last night and a gross generalization of other things white people like. (please note that these things are based on my belief that white people love journey because of Don't Stop Believin'.) (Which is fabulous when remade by the cast members of Glee as well).

1. I do not know as many Journey songs as I had previously believed. I think I could sing about 4-5 songs with extreme knowledge. The others I clapped a long to.
2. I felt the entire audience kind of fell into this category.
3. I thought it was weird that when lead singer guy walked down near the crowd he had a body guard. Is he that popular? Is that necessary?
5. Other things we like--we love to sway to songs. There was a whole crowd of swayers in there last night.
4. White people love happy hour or "getting coffee." (which we did prior to the concert)
5. We love a theme party. (which we planned while in said concert)
6. We love Journey. Especially D.S.B (what are street light people, anyway? Is that some sort of disorder where you believe that street lights are actually people? Is it the governments way of watching you? Or do you have a disorder where you think people look like streetlights and you get confused and wonder why you can't read under them?)
7. We like camping and trail running. (also talked about)
8. Dawson's Creek. (not discussed, but I have great fondness for the creek.)
9. Celebrity gossip. (no comment necessary.)
10. We LOVE a dance movie/show (center stage anyone?) (this was discussed after me talking about the movie Fame and how I want to take dance lessons. One of my friends said she needs to take hip hop classes for her maybe someday future wedding in which she'll need to have perfected the robot.) (I offered to be their back up dancer.)

I'm not saying that these things are bad, but lets be honest, they are mostly true. I also feel that Journey would be greatly enhanced by a tambourine player. I'm going to turn in my resume next week. I'll tell them that we can discuss it over coffee or happy hour.


Unknown said...

You ARE an excellent backup dancer. I hope they accept your offer.

Nicolita Love said...

If they need someone who can do liturgical dance with gymnastics, you're their gal

Cate said...

Yes to Center Stage! I have a great memory of watching it with Kate and Cathy one night, in pjs with wine.

And I would watch you do back up liturgical dancing any day of the week - maybe twice on Sundays :)