Monday, June 14, 2010

Can't sleep.

I've been sick this weekend and my parents came to visit and tonight... I go to bed.

Can't sleep.

I'm now up at 1 am (haven't been up at 1 am in QUITE some time.)

I've also eaten 2 pbj's. I haven't had one in approximately 3 years.


CDS said...

Ummm you are preaching to the choir sister! I have been up since 330am! That mens a WHOLE 3h30m sleep!...I did nap for 30 mins from 9-930...then from 11-1130...obviously I am working from home today. ...and SO out of it!

Loosy said...

I'm a like a 50x recovering PBJ addict. Just wait until you breast feed, you'll go through like 8 PBJs a day without thinking twice.