So yesterday I went to the doc with Ben. I decided to take one of my "personal days." (We get 2 a year and they dont' carry over.) I woke up fo' realz tired, yo. Anyhow--somehow our docs office is filled with old people. We actually see our nurse practitioner and she's super young. Whatevs. First of all--it took forever. Second an old man with 2 canes (2 normal canes? why not a walker? seems more efficient) came in and sat beside me. Thankfully he was called back quickly because I was trying to decide how rude it was to get up and move. He smelled of fish and rank broccoli.
Then, an old lady came in and ran into 2 of her friends "who didn't know she had an appointment today." That's because she didn't. She just walked back to the doctor area--bypassing the front desk--to tell them she thought she had leprosy. For real! Fear not y'all--she put neosporin on it.
Lastly, I overheard a guy at the front desk tell them he needed to come in again because--he lost his stool sample. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm how do you do that? Where will you find it? Grossville.
Today I show up at work and go to make a frozen waffle only to find that someone has been eating my waffles! How rude is that? Did you forget that you didn't purchase these waffles? Do I need to start consuming sharpie because I write my name on every individual one? Perhaps I could brand them...
The lastest of the last statements--we had a serious Texas storm last night. Tons of LOUD thunder and lightening all seeming to be in our backyard. Thunderstorms freak the little dog out. Like--it makes his heart beat really fast, makes him cry, makes him feel like he can't breathe, makes him want to sleep on my head, then finally he slept squished up between Ben and I. (He usually sleeps on the floor, btw.) So--I'm awake, comforting him, wishing I was asleep and ben was... asleep. He woke up to ONE loud clap of thunder. It's amazing, actually. It also stresses me out about our future.
I also sat and considered putting the glider in our bedroom until the little one moves to his own room. There is SOME clarity in the middle of the night, right?
so I am going to say it is safe to say this was not your OB's office...otherwise it would be a urine sample that was left behind in the bathroom by a prego brain prego.
Anyhow- our summer storms are here as well. I feel your pain...
This post really made me laugh. Who would be foolish enough to steal a waffle from a pregnant lady???? But ewwwwwwww ... I shall now forever have fears of stumbling across some random stool sample somewhere that has been lost by someone on their way to a doctors appointment!
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