Thursday, December 8, 2011

Latest annoyances

Are you ready for Ben to come home so that I stop posting 85 blog posts?  Yah.  I'm sure you are.  Too bad.  You have more days.

So 2 commercials that just came on after Big Bang Theory that bothered me--
1.  The latest ipod touch commercial with the guy in skinny jeans.  It bothers me.  Do not wear them.  Boys wearing skinny jeans bothers and disturbs me a little.
2.  A McDonald's latte commercial--they called it "expresso."  It's ES-presso. Bitches.

And now cute pictures.

mini cupcake... he like broccoli more.  

licking most of the icing off.  Gross.

He just learned he can swish stuff in his mouth.  It's adorable.

Other annoyances--Lexus commercials at Christmas time.  Ridiculous.  If someone gave me a music box with that "song" I'd be like wow... a music box.  I guess I really AM a mom.  Secretly, I hope someone gives me a Lexus.  

Baby Bear on Sesame Street.  I should not need to explain.  I'm sure I can come up with more.


Courtneytcu98 said...

The swishing pic made my toes curl because I can imagine the disgusting sound. Blehhhhhhhhhhh.

A.B. said...

There's no noise involved! I did say multiple times, "It's not polite to bite your fork."

Deana said...

I'm with you, Court, on the swishing sound. Whether he made it or not, I still heard it. Luckily, he's very cute and such things can be overlooked.

Amanda, when I when the jackpot, the Lexus is yours.

A.B. said...

Unfortch Deaner, you will not win the lottery because you must first learn the difference between "when" and "win."

Shaina said...

Expresso is a major peeve of mine as well, and the creepy clown guy in Elmos world gives me nightmares.

A.B. said...

One of the Mr. Noodle's (either Mr. Noodle or his brother Mr. Noodle) was on law and order SVU. You should be adequately nightmare-ish.

Shaina said...

Google Mr. Noodle...nuff said. sweet dreams.