Thursday, December 1, 2011

I like big boots and I cannot lie.

Someone is obsessed with Dad's boots.  (not me, in case you were wondering.)  Moy moy.  More boots?  Yah!  He wants to walk in them.  Not just standing.  Standing is for lame-o's.

And because I'm an awesome mom, I often repeat "moy" because I think it's cute.  I know it's wrong.  I don't care.  I also am having a glass of wine at 2:20 on a Thursday because... well, I'm also doing 2 jobs in 4 hours a day.  Meaning working hours.  My admin asst is having open heart surgery tomorrow (chest bump to Bobb-o), and so I'm doing both her job and mine.  Oh, and my kid has been napping for approx 1 hour in the afternoons this week.  which means all I've done is eat some frozen waffles and watch Chelsea Lately and some Parenthood.

Um, but how cute is he?  And do these pictures also make you sing, "I like big boots and I cannot lie"?  I haven't made up the rest of the song yet, but it's going to be awesome.


*update.  he's been sleeping 2 hours.  I still have done nothing.  Other than now reference the LAST time I referenced "I like big butts."  Because who doesn't make multiple posts about that?


Beth Dunn said...

My son's still walk around in my shoes. More to tease me now but when they were little--so cute

Deana said...

I like big boots and I cannot lie.
You other babies can't deny
When I walk in with my great big boots,
It's gonna be...a...hoot!

So Mommas? Yeah!
Daddies? Yeah!
Wanna be a big ol baddy?
Hell, yeah!

Meg said...

Classic. What darling, darling pics.