Sunday, November 8, 2009

The great outdoors

We went camping yesterday/last night. Super fun. I really enjoy getting out of the city, even if it's only 45 minutes away. This was unlike any camping area I've been to before--because it wasn't a state park. And, turns out, basically we camped in the middle of a lake. Nope, no snorkel gear necessary. All that was needed was an extreme drought. Check. Taken care of.

Go to this google map. Out there where those trees are in the middle of the lake?? THAT is where our tents where set up.

It was kind of awesome that we weren't all smushed up against other people (for our general shenanigans.) Unfortunately it wasn't cold. I was well prepared with 3 jackets and many layers. Which is my problem with packing. I've gotten SO much better. I usually end up with only one or 2 shirts not used. This time, not so much. It's when the weather is in flux that I have general anxiety about packing.

This morning we were sitting around after breakfast and talking about a group that it took about 2 hours to pack their things up. They had kids. My friend was like, well when you have kids you have to take a pack in play, toys, lots of clothes for the weather, jackets, blankets. Ben and I both were like... this is sounding very familiar. Basically, I'm a small child who requires quite a bit of entertainment, food, drinks, clothes, jackets, and probably 14 pairs of underwear. Yah, it's true, should I be in an emergency, you know like stranded in the desert or something and all I had was my bag that I had packed, I'd probably be set--especially if I am stranded and have a lot of "accidents." Safe.

Either way, it was fun. It was nice to get home, take a nap, not clean my house, get a pedicure, and watch a little Law and Order. I heart camping that isn't really camping because it always includes bacon.


SpeasHill said...

I frequently mention that I have our family ready for a nuclear holocaust. John is not as appreciative as he ought to be. Someday it might happen, and I will have lots of underwear, but he will not. So there.

A.B. said...

Other things I will be stocked up on??? Deoderant. I buy in 3 packs.
Somehow Ben never realizes he is about to run out even when I specifically ask. Then he "secretly" uses mine. I notice.