So I finished. An hour later than I did last year. And an hour and 20 minutes slower than I had planned. I was pretty disappointed in that. However, I raised $3200 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I reached, actually surpassed my goal amount. I am 158% over my goal, and that is pretty awesome.
Also awesome? My friend who stayed with me the entire time. I would not have made it the entire 26.2 miles without her. Around mile 8 I knew that things weren't going well. I just didn't feel "right." Partly, my body, partly that I had been sick the week before, partly that it was 94% humidity and THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER! Not perfect race weather--general consensus.
I am thankful that I could do it. I am thankful for my cheerleaders (Ben, mom, dad, Courtney, Elliott, Megan, Scooter,Adine and Joe at the end, and my team...and ALL of those cheering on the sidelines.) Though I'm disappointed in my performance I'm encouraged by the fundraising--the money that goes to patients and to research for a cure for blood cancers. I cannot say enough about how amazing Team in Training really is. You should join. Become relentless for the cure. I promise that you will make new friends, hear amazing stories, and change your life.
Thank you to each of you who thought about us yesterday!
You are a-maz-ing. A lot of people (okay, some people, because not a lot of people could even have made it through this much training) would have given up after being sick, but you did it! It may be hokey, but it kind of makes me think about all the people you are running for - the ones whose cancer and chemo are sucking the life out of them, but they get up every day, even if it's just to crawl to the bathroom. It's strength like that - on your end and on their end - that is going to kick cancer's butt!
You had me at "I finished". I recognize that you are a woman who has expectations of herself and goals to achieve, but let's be real. You ran a marathon = you are badass. The fact that you were sick the week before and it was freakishly humid just underscores the badass! I'm not entirely sure I could walk 26 miles in a day...
Anyway, you are fabulous, strong, and a little unbelievable in all your marathonness. Way to go :)
You ran 26 POINT 2 miles....all at once...the word disappointment should not come into play ANYWHERE! And you raised THIRTY TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for a fantastic cause! Again, the word disappointment belongs NOWHERE in this blog! I think you're amazeballs! Way to go Amanda!
You are AMAZING!!!!!
Now, go drink some wine and buy some cute new shoes..... or a watch.
I realize that it is no longer your birthday, but in lieu of your amazing accomplishment this weekend, I think you should buy that black dress you were eyeing last month. If Ben gives you any grief, you could always run your next race in it. :)
Great job! You should feel very proud of your accomplishment. Your hard work paid off and you raised a lot of money for a great cause.
Thanks ladies! you are all so inspiring!
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